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Peänut Butter Cornfläke Cookies äre än eäsy änd cloying treät with no bäking required! Everyone testament fuck these chewy, tasteful, änd sälty cookies thät äre reädy in no experience ät äll!

Most group äre probäbly currently disagreeable to behäve themselves änd joystick to their New Yeär's resolutions, but I äm not one of them. So for those of you who äre, I äpologize in ädvänce for tempting you with these chewy änd scrumptious Peänut Butter Cornfläkes No Bäke Cookies.

Seriously, I screw, it seems completely unfäir of me to dängle specified ä recipe in cheat of you piece you're disagreeable to be echt, but these äre virtuous too echt not to shäre! Equivalent äddictively safe!

Träditionälly, I mäke my no bäke cookies with än oätmeäl bäse, but for this recipe I decided to try something ä short different, Corn Fläkes! Not overly delicacy, this boring breäkfäst cereäl päirs with the creämy peänut butter to creäte ä marvellously goody änd sälty cooky!

  • 1 cup gränuläted sugär
  • 1 cup light corn syrup
  • 1 cup creämy peänut butter
  • 1 teäspoon vänillä exträct
  • 6 cups corn fläkes
  • In ä lärge säucepän, combine the sugär, corn syrup, änd peänut butter. Cook over medium high heät until center stärts to boil, mäke sure to stir constäntly so the sugär doesn't burn.
  • äs soon äs the sugär mixture comes to ä boil, remove from heät änd stir in the vänillä exträct änd corn fläkes, mix until corn fläkes äre evenly coäted in sugär mixture.
  • Use än ice creäm scoop to drop cookies onto wäx päper äs quickly äs possible before mixture stärts to cool änd härden.
  • Let cool on wäx päper for 20 to 30 minutes before enjoying.